Operation Tomato Drop

In late May Growing Veterans got the call from the manager at South Whidbey School District farm program that they were experiencing an increased need for donated plant starts from food instable community members looking to increase their self sufficiency through home gardening.

We were excited to answer that call with 200+ organic heirloom tomato starts grown by our dirt therapy program participants.

Fun with math: The average tomato plant can easily yield up to 20lbs of produce per plant. Meaning 200 tomato plants even at less than optimal conditions can produce 4,000+lbs of healthy produce adding to local food resiliency

Donated tomato plants were made possible with the support of seed donors:

-Uprising Seed Co

-Osborne Seed

-Seed Savers Exchange

-Baker Creek

-High Mowing Seed


Christy (USN), Western Washington University Work Study


Full Circle: the Growing Veterans Intern Experience